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Director: Rob Marshall
Stars: Daniel Day-Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penélope Cruz
Studio: Weinstein Company, The
The Plot: Famous film director Guido Contini (Day-Lewis) struggles to find harmony in his professional and personal lives, as he engages in dramatic relationships with his wife, his mistress, his muse, his agent, and his mother.

THE BUZZ: This musical adaptation of 8 1/2 (and based on the Tony-winning Broadway show) was originally supposed to headline dreamy Javier Bardem, but the Oscar winner dropped out citing exhaustion. Enter Oscar winner number two, Day-Lewis, who must be thrilled to work with the amazing female cast. We're not sure all of them can sing, but if anyone can make them, it's director Marshall -- we never expected to hear anything tuneful from Renee Zellweger until we saw Chicago. And now that Marshall is forsaking geisha memoirs for his familiar musical turf, we're hoping this turns out glitzy and fun -- heck, we're even excited to see Fergie, too! Just no Best Picture Oscar, okay?


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